Brightest Star

Let’s get super Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky is Sirius, 8 light years from Earth and twice the mass of the Sun. Known by many as the Dog Star, it is part of the constellation Canis Major which is south of the Zodiac belt.

In North America, winter is the best season for viewing Canis Major, also known as Greater Dog. The star Sirius is the nose of the dog. Early in the winter, Leo, Cancer and Gemini occupy the 2AM sky from Denver, along the ecliptical plane and towards the east. To the west in the Zodiac belt are Taurus, Aires and Pisces. In the middle of November in the middle of North America, Taurus dominates the night sky.

If your born between April 20 and May 21, Taurus is your sign. The Earth is on the opposite side of the sun from constellations from the opposite sphere of the Zodiac, like Sagittarius and Capricorn. During the course of a year, we gradually see the constellations from the twelve signs of the Zodiac dominate the equatorial plane of the night sky.

Sirius and the constellation Canis Major likewise are best viewed when the planet earth is on the correct side of the Sun. It is more easily seen from the southern hemisphere, although if you look toward the horizon or get on top of a mountain, you improve your chances. Gemini is next to Taurus, and may be the easiest ecliptic constellation to spot, as two bright stars at ten and 11 o’clock, and another bright star a four o’clock. It is supposed to be twins with their feet at the lower left and their heads at the upper right as you throw your head back while facing north.

Below and to the right of Gemini is Orion, and near that is the famous star Betelgeuse and below them more in line with Gemini is Canis Major. Sirius, the brightest star in the sky is the nose of the hound.






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